Muscle Activation Techniques MAT®

What is MAT®?

  • MAT® is a revolutionary approach to the assessment and correction of muscular imbalances and joint instability that lead to pain, dysfunction, and limited mobility.
  • It is a process designed to balance the muscular system in order for it to function with maximum efficiency for day to day activity to strenuous training.
  • It provides a unique look at the muscular system’s role in injury and performance enhancement.
  • It recognizes that muscles lose the ability to tolerate forces as an adaptation to stress.

Benefits of MAT®:

  • Help athletes of any level prevent injuries
  • Help speed up recovery from minor injuries to post-surgical
  • Alleviate adverse effects of injured, tired, and overused muscles
  • Get the body to optimal efficient and the muscular system stable

How MAT® works:

  • Range of motion testing indicates which muscles have decreased contractibility or muscle weakness
  • Precise forces are applied to restore the muscle’s efficiency
  • A re-evaluation is completed to confirm the increased communication between the muscle and brain.

Who is  MAT® for?

  • Anyone starting a new exercise program.
  • Weekend warriors to competitive athletes of all levels
  • Patients recovering from an injury or post surgery, or physical therapy visits have  been used up.
  • Those that are young at heart but feel they can no longer do the things they love to do as they get older.

Learn more at

Functional Movement Exercises with Greg Roskopf